Monday, December 12, 2011

Design Wall and More George

I have more pictures of George and my sunporch.  Some of you have seen my sunporch.  I took out two very large pieces of furniture and put them in the garage.  I am going to sell them.  I really don't have a use for them.  It has really opened up the sunporch and it will be a great place to use George.  I cannot get George into my sewing room.  I have set the tables up so that if I am using George someone else can sit at the other table and sew or visa versa.  I was looking at the porch and thought about moving my sewing room in there.  It could be done by moving the couch and probably the roll-around carts into the existing sewing room.  The only thing is I would not have design boards and there really is not a place to put them unless the windows were blocked.  I think I will leave things as they are.  It will work.   The colorful tunnel is the kitties tunnel.  They love that thing.  They run in there to hide from the dog.  Smokey loves to attack the dog from in there.  That cat is some kind of cat.  Loving one minute, a holy terror the next. 

With all the reorganization (last weeks blog) I have been rather busy and have not done a lot of sewing, but I have done a little.  This picture adds two blocks to the previous picture of this quilt.  The more blocks I add to this quilt the better I like it.  I am using Kansas Troubles fabric for it.  They have many lines out that have similar color. 

I have also been working on a back for my "figgy" quilt.  I really need to get this finished up.  I have entered the quilt in a show.  I still have another to do and that is going to be questionable.  I am quickly running out of time.  The holidays are not going to help matters for me finishing everything up. 

Hope all is well on your end............

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