Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I left home on April 23 for a trip to Lincoln, NE.  I had planned this trip for months.  Willey and Billy and I went to the International Quilt Study Center and Museum at Lincoln.  Janet Finley, the author of Quilts in Everyday Life, 1855-1955 was there to give
International Quilt Study Center & Museum at Lincoln, NE
a program and her pictures were on display in the gallery.  There were several programs and tours of all the exhibits over a two day period.  We started on Thursday evening with a reception and then Friday was a full day until 7 P.M.  Saturday was also a big day but not as long.  They fed us very well.  I really enjoyed the lunches.

Willey, Billy and I shopped (and did we shop) up to Nebraska and back to Louisiana.  I have taken many pictures and have lots to talk about.  I am going to do my Nebraska story over several posts as I did with my Alaska story.  So do come back and see what we did on this trip. 

I must put in something about quilting.  Let's put it this way, we parted with much that was in our wallets and plastic was used.  We over-ate, finding that we could not resist desserts or the Dairy Queen, the Licorice Shop, the chocolate covered Oreo's.  Now we diet.............

Sharie and Willey at Sew Country, Belleville, KS 
We found many really nice shops on our trip.  We even went on a shop hop.  It was being held in Kansas.  All the shops were open on Sunday, the day we were coming through Kansas.  We went to 5 shops out of 7.  We also went to shops in Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas.  All the people were terrific. 

More next time.................

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